St. Mary Catholic School is alive and on fire with the spirit of Jesus! Our school community boasts of 540 boys and girls engaged in the development of their Catholic faith, the pursuit of rigorous academic achievement, and the fellowship with their classmates that will bring about lasting relationships.
With Fr. John’s leadership, our school has further developed its relationship with its parish church, St. Peter, and this ongoing effort has made apparent to our students the true purpose of a Catholic education: To become stewards and evangelizers of the Catholic faith. Fr. John, Fr. Christopher, and Fr. Dale are a constant presence at St. Mary and serve to bring our mission to light by celebrating weekly Masses, mass for Marian holy days, teaching sacramental classes, and just hanging out. Our student body has come to know them as our spiritual leaders.
We are proud of our focus on academic rigor. St. Mary has embraced literacy as its immediate focus. Our aim is to have all students read at or above their grade level and our teachers continue to go through training on how to teach reading to children. The training is challenging but the effort our teachers have put forth is making a marked difference in improving our students’ reading. We are excited about our results and commit to continue making literacy a major focus of our academic growth.
Extra curricular activities involve a huge portion of our student body. Over 200 students participate in our various CYO teams throughout the year, and in our variety of clubs and organizations such as Band, Choir, Altar Serving, Art Club, Chess Club, Newspaper, National Junior Honor Society, Student Council, etc. From our Pre-school to our 8th grade, there are opportunities to grow and learn for everyone. Come check us out! If you would like to schedule a tour, please call 586-468-4570.
We are proud of St. Mary’s legacy and are committed to be a lasting Catholic influence in the lives of our students and parents.